What the hell happened to the narrator in this one?
Sure the narrators have been different before in these how
to shorts, but that was used for the theme of the short like the football announcer
and the detective short this is just grating. Seriously it sounds like the guy
is on helium and I find it really annoying.
And why would you change the narrator at all? If there was ever a time for the deadpan flat
tone of the traditional narrator you’d think this would be it, considering he
has that lecturing professor vibe.
Also the short overall is boring. I laughed at three things: mini Von Drake
running over Goofy in elementary school, Von Drake insulting Goofy with sentence
structure in junior high, and the A
Farewell to Arms gag that’s it.
Everything else is just meh. The
math gag does nothing but bring back my own bad memories of school days
suffering through that subject. The transitions
are just words on loose leaf notebook paper and the Heavens to Betsy gag I
found too overplayed. Sure the
catchphrase needs to be said so Goofy saying it at the end doesn’t come from
nothing, but if they had had him say a few less times I think it might have been
a bit more subtle.
For me this short is just dull and one to avoid from now on.
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